Sunday, January 4, 2009

Healthy lungs buy tickets for the subway

Hackescher Markt S-Bahn station and the new German site-specific ad campaign for nicorette anti-smoking inhalers:

Damit Ihre Lunge nicht mehr schwarzfahren muss. “So your lungs don’t have to go black any more.”

Schwarzfahren literally translates as “to go black;” however, it is most commonly used to signify riding public transit illegally, i.e. taking the S-Bahn without a valid ticket.

Therefore, a second translation: “So your lungs don’t have to ride illegally any more.”

Apparently the inhaler also functions as a public transit ticket for lungs.

From the Department of Useless Translations: Lindert Ihr Rauchverlangen und beschäftigt die Hände. “Alleviates your smoking cravings and keeps your hands busy.”

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